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TEMA: PTU 1.2 Social Module

PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3516

  • Edoc
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Aqui os dejo toda la informacion encontrada respecto al PTU (persistent TEST universe) 1.2


If the "Public Test Universe" button is lit up, then you can click on it and copy over your account. Me and a few others haven't got an email invite, but still got access via our account page.

Si clickeais en el enlace de arriba y os aparece el boton de Public Test Universe, y os deja copiar desde ahi vuestra cuenta, entonces teneis acceso al Social Module del PTU. Os llegara el correo con el pass y tal al email y podreis logear.

-Descarga del PTU 30gb+-

-Si no lo quereis descargar(posiblemente mi caso) hay una semiconfirmacion de que teniendo un acceso al Arena Commander será de libre acceso, gratis. Cosa que veo logica ya que apenas tiene contenido.

-Los invites van a ser en OLEADAS

-PRIORIDAD Cuantas activas en los ultimos dias/semanas
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-Los invites de hoy dia 26 de Agosto ya se han lanzado.
Los invites seran lanzados todas las madrugadas hora española.
Los invites seran enviados a vuestro correo, con todas las instrucciones para acceder al PTU correctamente

-Se podrá acceder a lo siguiente:

Ascensor desde el hangar que conecta con ArcCorp, permitiendo a lso jugadores explorar el mapa y las tiendas

Nuevo sistema de chat


/help para ayuda

-Nuevos terminos de uso y condiciones: Special Terms: Pre-Release Testing
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-Texto del Email:
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Última Edición: 9 años 6 meses ago por Edoc.
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Los siguientes usuarios han agradecido: Krausen

PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3517

  • VincentE
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Gracias por la información.
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PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3518

  • david
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gracias por el aporte edoc

tiene que llegar un imail antes verdad? o un aviso en la paguina principal ..demomento no me llego na de na
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PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3519

  • mineda
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B) Gracias , por el momento no me llevo la invitacion ,por otro lado no se que hacer ...
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PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3520

  • Edoc
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Para la invitacion, es random, pero han dicho que la prioridad es si habeis logeado/logeais estos dias.
Iran incrementando el nivel de invitaciones estos dias para hacer los llamados stress tests.

Yo por mi parte esperare a la version normal, por un lado porque no tengo mucho tiempo y por otro porque estamos en una alpha y considero innecesario el ptu, porque a mi vista el "estable" es de pruebas xD.

Cuando estemos en beta si lo considerare a parte cada cosa :)
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PTU 1.2a Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3521

  • Edoc
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Star Citizen Patch 1.2.0a Patch
As Bearded-CIG mentioned previously, invites to the PTU are going to be going out in waves. This is to allow us to monitor and gather information about how various aspects of the game aspects are behaving at different population levels. Invites will be sent via email and include steps for how to get into the PTU. As always, it's a good idea to be wary of any emails that you think may not be legitimate. If you aren't sure about the legitimacy of an email and don't want to click on a link to protect your computer security, right click the link, select "copy link location" and paste it into a search engine like google. Most popular search engines will give a warning if a site is malicious.

Customer Service does not have control over who it getting invites. Please don't contact them for invites and make more work for them. If you'd like an invite and haven't gotten one, be patient and keep an eye out for emails as we expand the pool of testers. Thank you so much for your cooperation!

This hotfix patch has been focused on known and emerging issues from our PTU on ArcCorp. Our current patch notes are hosted on the PTU website and can be found here. Access to the PTU patch notes require a PTU account, and remember to use the Password that was sent by RSI via email after copying your account over!
Hangar Module:

Fixed an issue where the pilot seat in the Constellation (all variants) could not be interacted with by characters.

User Interface

Fixed an issue where the scroll bars within the game menus would occasionally stop accepting input from the mouse scroll wheel.
Fixed an issue where the expandable menus in the Keybindings and Advanced Keybindings menu would sometimes appear blank.
Fixed an issue where some control options were missing from the main game menu.

Arena Commander Module:

Fixed an issue in the Tutorial, Chapter 4, where the interior/exterior of the Gladius would sometimes appear as damaged after taking off.
The chat UI can no longer be opened via F12 while a Hint is on-screen, preventing players from being stuck on the Hint.


Fixed an issue with the rockets on the Mustang Delta, where they would sometimes misfire, explode in the pod, or not detonate properly on hitting the target.

Social Module:

Characters can no longer enter prone via a console controller.


Characters will no longer run out of sprint stamina in ArcCorp. This is temporary, not a permanent change.


Fixed an issue with some bottles in the G-Loc bar were clipping with other objects incorrectly.
Fixed a number of collision and clipping issues in and around the M50 displayed in Astro-Armada.
Fixed an issue of collision on either side of the Astro-Armada elevator that was allowing players to fall through the level.
Fixed an issue where the wall at the back of Dumpers Depot would disappear on low graphic settings.
Fixed an issue where the Casaba Outlet sign would say “Casada” and would be missing the word “Outlet” on low graphic settings.

User Interface

Fixed an issue where spamming F12 (open and close the chat UI) or F2 (Augmented Reality) would crash the game client.
Fixed an issue where the chat interface would stop updating and not scroll down when chat was receiving excessive inputs.
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PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3522

  • recon87
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gracias por la info Edoc yo me esperare tambien a cuando este e el server general ya que no tengo ptu.. XP
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PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3523

  • mineda
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:whistle: me esperare ,paso de verme tan feo ya tengo espejo en casa.
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PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3524

  • Han Solo
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  • La Fuerza reside en todos nosotros, sin excepción!
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Jajajajaja :silly:

Que la fuerza te acompañe!
Almirante Han Solo.
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PTU 1.2b 9 años 6 meses ago #3525

  • Edoc
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Before logging into the new PTU build::
1. Restart the launcher
2. Finish patching
3. Hit the cog in the upper right
4. Click the 'Verify' button to check the files that were downloaded

Star Citizen Patch 1.2.0b Patch

Arena Commander Module:
-Vanduul Glaive can now extend its blade
-Vanduul Scythe can now extend its blade
(HUD interaction can be turned on by pressing the Home button and then clicking on the blade platform to extend the weapon)
-Vixen and Warlord should no longer play weapon fire audio when they aren't firing their weapons
-Contact list is now disable in Arena Commander so that it doesn't conflict with target focus

Social Module:
-AFK clients will now be kicked from the server after an extended period of inactivity
-Ability to go prone by holding ctrl+b button on a controller has been removed due to collision being prone to error (yes that's a pun)
-Fixed an issue where disconnecting from ArcCorp would prevent a client from being able to enter any kind of instance
-Fixed an issue where failing to connect to ArcCorp would prevent a client from being able to enter any kind of instance
-Adjusted collision on some of the boxes so that characters aren't floating in the air when standing on them
-Fixed an issue where clients would see other characters T-pose when moving up or down stairs
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PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3528

  • mineda
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:whistle: Este y otros fallos como que te tira de repente sin explicaciones... como sabemos somos los ratoncitos de laboratorios :evil:
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PTU 1.2 Social Module 9 años 6 meses ago #3544

  • david
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hola a todos , despues de tres dias de descarga ..por fin entre al juego.

Me veo solo la cabeza,el cuerpo se lo comio el tiburon o un pez espada jajaja ,cuando entro al ascensor pongo codigo,y al entrar me da fallo.
es por mal descargado ? uf vaya kk ,os paso alguno ? aaaaiiiimm
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