Cualquier duda que tengas sobre el juego, instalación, parches nuevos, mecánica del juego, controles y en general todo lo referente al mismo, aquí tienes un lugar donde plasmarlo.
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Hola chic@s, hoy os voy a dejar por aqui la ultima configuracion más completa que hemos logrado hacer/encontrar para el star citizen.
Es decir, el archivo USER.cfg que va en la carpeta C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public si habeis instalado con el nuevo launcher(y el "definitivo") o si aun estais con la instalacion anterior ..\StarCitizen\CitizenClient
Os lo dejo en pastebin con dos versiones,solo tendreis que renombrar el archivo para que quede como user.cfg si lo descargais.
Ambos archivos son iguales en cuanto a la "bajada" de graficos, simplemente entre ellos cambia el FOV.
PARA usuarios de NVIDA: Os recomiendo desactivar el servicio: Nvidia shield streaming.
NO PODREIS USAR Nvidia Shadowplay(estoy buscando una solucion que permita el servicio apagado y poder grabar) pero a cambio ganareis bastantes fps.
Configuracion 2.0
Algunos "tweaks" son iguales a los "Pre 2.0"
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So I’ve got pre-made Ultra Quality as well as Performance .cfg which you can grab below or use as a foundation. But it’s worth spending a little bit of time and writing your own.
Warning: Editing stuff in the user.cfg can cause the game client to have problems logging in if values are set incorrectly. If you think something like this might be happening to you, cut or move the file to your desktop and try logging in. Also some issues can be caused with USER.cfgs keep that in mind before you report something you think is a bug!
When you write a USER.cfg Basically need to Save a txt document with the name USER.cfg into
INSTALL FOLDER\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public
INSTALL FOLDER\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\TEST (for PTU Builds)
If user.cfg stops working, rename it to User.cfg. If that doesn’t work, rename it to USER.cfg
Anything you then write or type in their will attempted to be set on game launch
Typing ; before a line will mean that line is ignored, this can be used to describe or put down notes during testing. So everything below You could copy and paste into your USER.cfg and then go down the list and set correctly.
; Custom USER.cfg – This is a command in needed to Unlock the Console to accept Commands
Con_Restricted = 0
; This Setting basically sets the basis for your config (1-4) 1 is Low but best performance & 4 is Very High Graphics but most intensive. It sets loads of settings & it’s important it’s at the top of the .cfg so that anything below it overwrites parts of it, 3 gives great quality and performance.
sys_spec = 3
; Remove Maxfps to have a less stable max framerate (but it will be at it’s highest), I suggest setting at an achievable level, slower PCs go for 30, Fast PCs set at your monitors Refresh rate. If unsure delete the line it.
sys_maxfps = 60
; Setting Texture Sizes, Change The r_TexturesStreamPoolSize based on you Graphics Card Memory 256 for 2GB or Less, 512 for upto 3GB, 1024 for upto 4GB, 2048 for upto 6Gb. If you have over 6GB you can run 4096.
r_TexturesStreamPoolSize = 512
; Set e_ShadowsPoolSize to half of TexturesStreamPoolSize is a good value.
e_ShadowsPoolSize = 256
; This setting is how much texture love is given to shadows, Recommend set to 128 for the most performance 512 is default and you can setup to 4096 for pretty shadows.
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 128
; This is again some love to shadows (0.1 – 100) 0.1 will give you best performance while 100 will give you the best shadow quality, I can’t really notice the improvement above 40.
e_ShadowsReScale = 40
; This Setting @ 1 reduces a tiny amount of realism on shadows, almost unnoticeable for some performance increase, but if you want the best looking shadows Change to 0. Can cause odd shadow bugs at 1 sometimes.
e_GsmCache = 0
; AntiAliasing – (0 – 3) Where 0 is NO AA & 2 is More AA than 1, it’s quite resource hungry and you should be using it if you are want jagged lines to be smoothed out. At Higher Resolutions like over 1440p AA becomes less needed as the higher res smooths the lines out naturally, setting over 2 can cause issues and ghosting. 3 is SMAA.
r_AntialiasingMode = 1
; At 0 there is currently a bug that causes intense brightness, I suggest setting at 1 or Deleting
; Anistropy makes textures look better at angles and distances, (0 – 16) 0 is the best for performance & 16 is the best for Quality. It doesn’t use too much processing power so I always have it at 16.
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16
r_TexMinAnisotropy = 16
; Sharpening – This makes lines look crisp and sharpened / but conversely can make lines look more jagged. I recommend setting this to 1 if you are running in 1440p or higher or if you like the way it looks. 0 is none and 1 is max & Default is 0.25
r_Sharpening = 0.25
; This just makes sure that Mouse Smoothing & Acceleration is turned OFF!
i_Mouse_Accel = 0.0
i_Mouse_Smooth = 0.0
; These are Blur & annoying Visual Settings – Turned Off Here but they are normally Set to 1 by Default. I really dislike Blur, Bloom, HeadBob and colour bleeds in game so I set them all to 0.
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_DepthOfField = 0
r_ShadowBlur = 0
g_radialBlur = 0
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0
r_HDRBloomRatio = 0
hud_bobHud = 0
r_ChromaticAberration = 0
; SSDO is a post process that makes stuff look prettier and more realistic, SSDO is better than SSAO so I make sure SSAO is off. But SSDO can be set to 0 for Performance and up to 2 for Quality, leave SSAO at 0 unless you have a reason.
r_ssdo = 2
r_ssao = 0
; This when it works in the Cry Engine adds Better Visual Quality to certain objects but is quite hungry. Turn to 0 for more Performance, can cause slight glitches in some situations.
r_SilhouettePOM = 1
; FOV Settings – FOVs can be set from 25 to 160, CL_FOV is your main FOV. Lower FOVs will reduce the amount your can see on screen, but can give greater performance. Also VR / Multi-monitor setups will want to find an FOV that works for them. VR wise I would suggest 105 – 120. Multi-Monitor I am working on the figures now but I would expect 100 – 160.
CL_fov = 80
; If you want to run Windowed Full Screen Mode then set this to 1
r_FullscreenWindow = 0
; Sets the Resolution of the Screen, Set to your needs. If you set FullscreenWindow to 1 and this to the native monitor resolution you effectively have Boarderless Windowed Mode.
r_width = 1920
r_height = 1080
; Pretty Reflections (SSR) Set 0 - 3, 0 being off & 3 being High Quality
r_SSReflections = 0
; Can give better color graduation in post-processing, 0 may give a few extra frames but picture may look "washed out" 1 is on.
r_ColorGrading = 1
; Tessellation changes the number of polygons used to render an object, Highest Quality is 1 and Lowest is 20 (Tessellation is spelt incorrectly on purpose).
r_TesselationTriangleSize = 10
; Adding The Lines of Code below can fix a lot of crashes & increase frame rates if set correctly. They all effect your CPU usage & threads. If you are not having crashes or stability issues I would not include them in your USER.cfg as they can also cause a lot of issues too, include some of them if you have reason to.
; Enables navigation information updates on a separate thread 0 - off & 1 - on
ai_NavigationSystemMT = 1
; Enable particle threading
e_ParticlesThread = 1
; Use a thread to perform sub-objects meshes merging
e_StatObjMergeUseThread = 1
; Enables threaded rendering while loading
gfx_loadtimethread = 1
; The number of internal physics threads
p_num_threads = 1
; Enable the JobSystem. 0: The Jobsystem is disabled, each job is executed in its invoking thread. 1: The JobSystem is enabled, each job is invoked in one of the worker threads.
sys_job_system_enable = 0
; The Following Options Choose which Thread to run processes on, you can experiment & I would only use them to fix crashes / performance if you know what you are doing.
; Specifies the physical CPU index main will run on
sys_main_CPU = 0
; Specifies the physical CPU index physics will run on. A Stable Settings is half the Physical Cores of your Processor. On my i7 4790k I change this to 2.
sys_physics_CPU = 2
; Specifies the physical CPU file IO thread run on. A Stable Settings is the Number of Physical Cores of your Processor. On my i7 4790k I change this to 4.
sys_streaming_CPU = 4
; If you have a Multi-Threaded CPU Set this to 1, if you don't or you want to turn Multi Threads off Set to 0. *Delete if not appropriate
r_MultiThreaded = 1
; Multi GPU Settings - These are for fiddling with you GPUs, don't include if you don't need them for some reason!
; If you want to turn ON the ability to try and use multiple GPU then set to 1, there are load of bugs and issues with this that can occur.
r_MultiGPU = 0
; Sets what GPU calculates the physics, Recommended to set to 1 (or whatever card you want to have as a dedicated physics card) if you have 2 or more Cards.
sys_physics_GPU = 0
q-p Shared this for Setting Up Multi-Monitors
The Example Uses 3x screens for a total of 6400x1080 resolution
r_FullscreenWindow = 1
r_Fullscreen = 0
r_Height = 1080
; Set to you required Resolution Height
r_Width = 6400
; Set Width to the Entire Combined Width of your Monitors
cl_fov = 28
; Regarding FOV setting, use the below calculators to give you the number for your resolution
; or
; [If you want to run Windowed Full Screen Mode then set this to 1]
; r_FullscreenWindow = 0
; At 0 these Settings add More Performance at the cost of some Quality with dust and ; debris Change to 1 for better Quality.
; e_ParticlesForceSoftParticles = 0
; e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 0
; Your FOV when you Run, I prefer to set this to the same as my CL_fov, but it can be personal preference.
;pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 55
; Sets the FoV for drawing of near objects. If Changing your CL_FOV I suggest setting this between that number and upto 20% lower.
;r_DrawNearFoV = 60
r_AntialiasingMode = 1
; At 0 there is currently a bug that causes intense brightness, I suggest setting at 1.
; Adding this code to your User.cfg should fix most of your Crash Issues!
ai_NavigationSystemMT = 1
e_ParticlesThread = 1
e_StatObjMergeUseThread = 1
gfx_loadtimethread = 1
p_num_threads = 1
sys_job_system_enable = 0
sys_main_CPU = 0
sys_physics_CPU = 1
sys_streaming_CPU = 2
; Tessellation increases the number of polygons used to render an object, (best=1, mid=8, worst=20)
r_TessellationTriangleSize = 8
Tests realizados:
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La relacion del user.cfg con el rendimiento/graficos es esta:
Con una GTX760 2gb:
En los valores que determinan una MAYOR calidad grafica, obtengo un MENOR rendimiento(menos fps)
En los valores que determinan una MENOR calidad grafica, obtengo un MAYOR rencimiento(mas fps)
El tope de FPS que he obtenido en movimiento + disparando + una nave estallando =>
A tope de graficos(User.cfg high quality): 13-18 fps
A calidad low(la que viene en low por defecto, sin User.cfg): 35-39 fps
A calidad baja personalizada( User.cfg Performance Preset): 45-55 fps
Entre el low del juego sin user.cfg y el personalizado, a no ser que te pegues a las paredes, no se nota mucho la diferencia.
El high quality es BRUTAL, pero a costa de 25-30 fps menos.
El archivo user.cfg no viene por defecto ya que son opciones graficas no implementadas en el guid (interfaz) del juego pero que si se pueden tocar con ese archivo.
No afecta a nada mas, no hay riesgo de ban ni nada por el estilo ya que todas las opciones son para bajar la calidad del juego graficamente y arrancar fps extras.
He estado probando estos parámetros, y en general va más fluido, no da esos pequeños saltitos que a veces surgen y molestan (nada del otro mundo, se puede tirar con ellos, pero molestan ). El caso es que la bajada de calidad gráfica sí se nota un pelín.
Alucino cómo la gente encuentra estos parámetros, la verdad
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Configuracion Grafica Interna SC
9 años 7 meses ago #3468
Por lo que he leido en los foros donde pusieron los parametros, los sacaron de la pagina de cryengine, en comandos de consola.
Supongo que un usuario normalillo como yo no sabria ni que mira si le ponen eso sin mas xD.
Lo he estado probando y coincido con Antares. El juego va más fluido , parece más fácil apuntar. La disminución en la calidad grafica no es critica.....
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Re:Configuracion Grafica Interna SC
9 años 7 meses ago #3470
En los gráficos debeis notarlo, porque quita prácticamente todo y varios parámetros los rebaja a casi nulos. Pero claro , a cambio te da unos fps extras que vienen de lujo hasta que optimicen el juego y se puedan subir ciertos valores
Cuando estaba el bug de los.misiles con esto apenas se notaba
El shadowplay aún no puede usarse verdad? Yo lo he intentado pero me sigue dando pantallazos raros e incluso se queda la pantalla negra. si alguien sabe una solución se lo agradezco mucho
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Configuracion Grafica Interna SC
9 años 4 meses ago #3839
El shadowplay aún no puede usarse verdad? Yo lo he intentado pero me sigue dando pantallazos raros e incluso se queda la pantalla negra. si alguien sabe una solución se lo agradezco mucho
Por poder, puedes usarlo, pero tiene una limitación de 20 minutos (creo recordar) y no va tan fino como otros "capturadores" de vídeo. Mírate el FRAPS, que es muy bueno, ese es el que uso yo al menos.